10 Min Practice to Rest into Unknown

Photo of Marisa Youngblood by Abby Mortenson

Photo of Marisa Youngblood by Abby Mortenson

In our world of incredible technology we still lack the ability to do one thing- accurately predict the future. In our own life, and on a global scale.

Between climate scares, job loss, relationship status changes, births, deaths, the list goes on and on…life on Earth is marked by unpredictability. We can go to sleep one night with everything normal as can be, and wake up the next day with our entire world flipped upside down. Naturally, the unknown can cause us to feel a great sense of anxiety and stress. It can feel like just as things started to get under control, your whole world flips on it’s head. One door shuts and you’re not quite sure where the next door to walk through is. The sense of unpredictability can feel paralyzing. Where do we go next? What do we do? How do we let go of fear and walk with confidence into the unknown?

I have a simple grounding practice that I do every time I feel this emotion come up that I would love to share with you! One that grounds me, and brings me back home to myself, even in the biggest surges of change. Feel free to bookmark this page for the next time you enter into a season of unknown, or if you have ten minutes to practice- go ahead and jump down to the paragraph below.

10 Min Grounding Practice- Resting into the Unknown

Start by finding a comfortable place to sit. If you are out in public- pop in some headphones. If you are home, turn off your tv or any other screens that may be distracting to you. If you would like to have background noise, you can play some rain noise or gentle music on Spotify- try searching for a meditation playlist. Go ahead and press play then scroll back up.

  • Find a comfortable seated position. This may be on a meditation cushion, cross legged on your yoga mat, or on a blanket folded up on the floor- if you are in public, use what you’ve got! Sit in the grass, or just sit tall in your chair at your coffee shop- etc.

  • Draw your head upwards, chin slightly pointed down and shoulder blades back and down. Set a timer for 3 minutes, and for this time go ahead and close your eyes, place the backs of your hands on your knees or lap, palms facing up, and focus on your breath- breathing slowly and deeply in and out of your nose. If a distracting thought comes to you, acknowledge it and return your mind back to your breath. Go ahead and press start on your timer now!

  • For the next three minutes, you can place on hand on your chest and one on your belly. Continue breathing deep in and out of your nose, and envision yourself in an empty field- surrounded by tall grass waving in the wind, sun rising in the sky with gorgeous orange and peak hues. Let yourself feel excitement about the endless possibilities of open space. Continue imagining this scene until your 3 min timer runs out. Start now!

  • This is where you can get creative- pick a mantra or phrase to dwell on for the next 3 minutes. This could be anything that feels inspirational or grounding to you. Some examples you could use are- ‘I am exactly where I need to be.’ Or, ‘I rest gratefully into the unknown,’ or ‘I believe good things are coming.’ Close your eyes once again and repeat this mantra- either one word per breath or one syllable per breath, whatever feels right for you. Go ahead and set your timer for 3 min and begin!

  • For this last minute we are just going to BREATHE. Gear up- these are going to be your biggest and deepest breaths yet! Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs up completely with air, and exhale every bit of air out through the mouth, leaving a pause between each inhale and exhale. Envision inhaling hope and exhaling fear. Set your timer for 60 seconds and move that stagnant air.

  • Return your breath back to normal and notice the subtle changes in your body after practicing. Maybe you’re sitting a little taller or your shoulders are relaxed. I congratulate you for caring for yourself during this time and I encourage you on your journey- there is no wrong decision to make, let peace guide you. The light in me honors the light in you!


    -Marisa Youngblood

Marisa Youngblood